Tuesday 30 October 2012

One Water

geog blog #1 

Sitting in the One water offices in London is a pretty inspirational place to be. The simplest way of describing the One Foundation is an ethical water brand. It was founded by Duncan Goose and works on a like for like scheme. By this they mean that if a person in the UK buys a bottle of One Water 100% of the profits from that will go to funding water projects such as pumps in Africa. The same idea runs with their other products, such as eggs. When a box of One eggs is bought in the UK all of the profits go to chicken farms in Africa, or One plasters funding sanitation and healthcare projects- the list goes on.

That probably helps to summarise what One Water do. I can't recommend strongly enough that you subscribe to their YouTube Channel and Watch their videos. May not all 107 of them but as many as you can, they show of the places they have visited, the pumps and farms and projects they have installed but most importantly the people's lives they have changed. 

This work experience links so closely to the AS syllabus with water conflicts. Demand exceeds supply and conflict exists worldwide for water, for example the tensions in the middle East between Israel and Palestine  Tensions over water are a large problem for people across the globe but for over 1 billion people who don't have access to clean, safe water conflict is not the problem. The problem is trying to avoid diseases such as typhoid and cholera which can be fatal and to try and not spend 4-5 hours a day walking to collect the fatal water. 

The problems with water and development in Africa are undeniable but they dont need to be insolvable. Small changes can be made and individuals simply need to consider switching from their normal brands of household goods and services to products from the One Foundation. Do some research and it's a simple switch!


Geog on

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